The solution you've been looking for!

SPL Professional series provide a dependable balance of efficiency, performance and value. Introducing Soft Whirl, our own brand of high-quality jumbo toilet tissues and hand towels, along with our sleek modern dispensers.

Soft Whirl Tissue & Hand Towels

Soft Whirl Tissue Paper Dispenser

Soft Whirl Hand Towel Dispenser

Soft Whirl Tissue Paper Soft Whirl Hand Towel




Number of Ply

2 Ply

1 Ply

Pack Size

6 rolls per pack

6 rolls per pack

Roll Length

825 Ft. (251.46CM)

680 Ft. (207CM)

Opt for high quality commercial-grade products with the ultimate combination of value, efficiency, and sustainability.

Contact us to place your order today!